On What's In - and Out - of Your Control.

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are within our control, and some things are not. We have no power over external things, and the good that ought to be the object of our earnest pursuit is to be found only within ourselves.”

― Epictetus, Greek Philosopher

As I started thinking about how to approach my sophomore newsletter, I decided to share something that's been instrumental in the way I'm approaching my own challenges as well as my clients': I can reduce 50% of the frustration around a problem just by asking "what's actually in my control here?"

For example:

Challenge: I'm lonely and miss random "water cooler" convos with my friends, coworkers, and fellow New Yorkers.

What's NOT in my control: The pandemic! Bars being closed! Face masks that garble my words so I can't even make small talk with a checkout person.

What IS in my control: Figuring out creative ways to connect with people, getting vulnerable telling you guys that I'd love to hear from you but am feeling stuck about reaching out (!), actually saying YES to virtual hangouts and workshops, checking in with one person that I miss each day, and the list goes on and on now that I've opened the creative tap.

Now you try.

Things You Can and Can't Control

“Your attention please: No one is coming to save you. This life of yours is 100% your responsibility.”

― Anonymous

Question for you:

What about your current situation is outside your control? What's in your control... and what do you want to do about it?


Life Transformation Roadmap


On Baby Steps