Judging Questions vs. Learning Questions

“Our brain is like Google. Change the question and you will get different results.” - some unknown genius 🧑🏼‍🏫

As an entrepreneur, I often fear the financial uncertainty that comes along with the freedom and creativity of running my own business. Although I recognize that this is a super common fear and it's totally normal to have concerns, at least once I day I find my mind spinning about it in a totally unproductive way.

The spinning is caused by Judging Questions such as: "When will I make as much as I did as an employee?" "When will I get my next client?"

Instead, it would be more valuable to ask Learning Questions such as: "What are some things I can do today to create success?," "If I look back at myself from five years in the future, what advice would I give myself?," "What are some meaningful ways I can connect with others and grow my impact?"

The brain likes to chew on something all the time, so why not give it an educational treat? 🍦

I made a little fillable e-worksheet to share some Learning Questions with you. Please share with someone who needs to see it 💖

Judging Questions vs. Learning Questions.png

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Why You Might Be Stuck.